Today’s flick, One Dark Night (1983; aka Night in the Crypt, aka Dark Night, aka Entity Force, aka Mausoleum, aka Night of Darkness, aka Rest in Peace, aka Moms Mabley and Her All-Star Jug Band), seems to have all the ingredients necessary to make a B-grade horror film for the ages. Sadly, the ingredients- Adam West, EG Daily, Meg Tilly, a creepy Phantasm-style mausoleum, satin jackets, and telekinesis- could barely muster enough thrills to merit being called D-grade.
Meg Tilly stars as Julie, your typical bookish ‘good girl’ type who wants to join a small group of "cool" kids called The Sisters. The Sisters is made up of the always-welcome EG Daily, a girl with an oral fixation who’s always chewing on a toothbrush, and Julie’s boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, aka the poor man’s Jenilee Harrison of television’s Three’s Company. I mean, who DOESN’T want to join a group like that, eh? Sure, on the one hand they’ve got matching satin jackets and that’s wicked sweet. On the other hand, however, they’ve got these pants, which are by far the most horrifying thing in the entire movie:

The Sisters decide that if Julie really wants in the group, she must pass an initiation. In a…(ahem) sharp departure from horror film clichés, Julie’s initiation includes spending the night alone in a mausoleum. Even (ahem) more radical is The Sisters’ evil plan: to return to the mausoleum later in the night to scare Julie!

At one point during One Dark Night, I had an out of body experience. Suddenly I was floating high above my couch, watching myself watching the movie. Boy, did I look angry! I looked angry, and yet I also looked awful silly, watching a movie with no sound. I think at one point I heard myself exclaim “Why the fuck am I watching this?” and I saw myself flip off the screen with both middle fingers. Then I decided that while my body was clearly an idiot, my spirit was not and would be better off spending the time doing anything else in the whole entire world. Just as I was about to float over toward the bathroom and set about re-grouting the tub, however, the movie ended and I was able to rejoin my corporeal self. We had a Diet Coke together to help ease the pain and I promised not to make fun of myself for suffering so very much for a frickin' blog entry. I give this movie 2 out of 10 well, maybe with some fucking music and sound effects it would rate a 4 out of 10s.
I totally have to apologize for that... David seemed to only record the second disc of the DVD set. He told me to tell you that and hell, I forgot.
Thanks for watching this, now I know what to avoid! :(
I feel awful!'s OK. I don't hold it against you or David.
It's good to angry up the blood sometimes! :P
But yeah, stick to Disc 1...
Wow! I'm thankful that you live your life to help horror fans in need of new clips to watch, for the "gooder" and the "batter". The pictures didn't look apetizing either. Must really be a bore!
Well, I'm off. Need to think of what to watch next!
Thanks for your pain and suffering,
Yeah, thanks for giving up 90 minutes of your life for us. You must admit, this has a promising cast, though. Based on your plot description, I think I might've seen this but, of course, you DID describe about 2,000 different horror movies, so I probably have seen this...several times.
I love "Dallas," "Battlestar Gallactica" and low-waisted pants.
Nice blog, lady! I drifted over here from "Dark, but shining."
Now, excuse me - I'm going to scan your site in the hopes that you've some Battlestar Gallactica stuff here. I searched Dark, but Shining - but nada!
This is a continuation of the Oregon Trail talk from Death Valley
10 Two-Word Commands That Don't Work:
10. Pick-Ax Brimley
9. Hug Billingsley
8. BUY Booze
7. ENTER Brothel
6. HUNT Indians
5. HUNT Carrot-Top
3. EAT Children
2. PLAY Grand-Theft-Auto-Instead
1. Fuck You
Go Ahead, try 'em. They won't work.
p.s. Everybody went to entering "Fuck You" eventually. It was a given. And it was funny, everytime, no matter how many times you did it.
Still is.
Welcome, Reese! DBS is a fine, fine site, and a must hit...ESPECIALLY in October!
As much as I love Battlestar, I haven't posted anything about it here- I try to stay with in the realm of horror/slasher as much as possible. DBS got it right and made a nice big blanket o' subject matter for themselves to cover.
One day, I WILL have a Dallas blog. It's a dream of mine, I swear. Anyone who likes Dallas is ALWAYS welcome here. I hope you stick around!
"Trade STDs"..lessee- gimme yer gonorrhea and I'll give you 2 crabs and a syphilis...
Holy shit, Stacey. I was also thinking of doing a Dallas blog! Maybe something along the lines of the "Snakes on a Blog" blog, but ... you know ... Dallas (if I could go to the premier, I could die happy) I've been following the casting developments like a maniac. There's no question; that show made me the woman I am today.
btw, I should say that I'm really happy I found your blog. I'm always searching for good movie blogs and have found quite a few, but VERY few of them are actually written by girls.
You are a girl, right?
Thanks very mucho for the compliments (and yes, I am a girl...or at least that's the way mommy and daddy raised me. Wait...Angela from Sleepaway Camp was...bah. Never mind. Move along, nothing to see here!)!!
The Dallas movie scares me to death, simply because I love the show so very much, it'll be such a pale comparison...I mean, some other Hollywood floozy playing my beloved Pam??! NEVER! I posted about the impending movie a while ago and gave some thoughts on it...
This movie made me want to self-administer a hydrogen peroxide enema.
I watched this film (with sound! :O) and I agree with your forecast. 4/10, **, okay...ratings that made me realize I could have spent my time elsewhere. I should have known after Friday the 13th 6: Jason Lives that this wouldn't be good either. Tom McLoughlin, or however you spell it, not a great horror director at all. Okay, but "okay" doesn't get me through the night. Meh.
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