Good, because I don't.
But for serious, there are some terrific horror movies from...I was going to say the land down under, but I will refrain...Australia. Feel like watching some crazy big animal go nuts? Then hold hands with Razorback! Or Rogue or Black Water! Want to get your stylish violence on? Wolf Creek awaits! Or maybe you're into really really great cerebral horror that has no interest in holding your hand at that case, Lake Mungo and Picnic at Hanging Rock might be for you (no joke, Lake Mungo is so good) (I mean, so is Picnic at Hanging Rock, but everybody knows that).
Oh muh gah, remember when, thanks to Crocodile Dundee, America went through that crazy for Australia phase and then they made Shrimp on the Barbie starring Cheech Without Chong and Emma Samms of television's General Hospital and Dynasty? Now that's horrifying.

Next of Kin is one of my favorite horror films of the 80s!!!!! I would love to know your thoughts on that film!
Not enough people know about that one!
Just watched Lake Mungo the other night and was pleasantly surprised. It was very well done and a unique take on the found footage horror genre.
Haven't seen any of the others yet, but they look pretty solid... though to be honest, Australia with all it's giant poisonous insects and snakes is scary enough, without having to make their own horror movies...
Love the first Long Weekend poster. That's one of my all time favorite nature attacks (or is man the ultimate evil?) movies. Have you seen Not Quite Hollywood, the doc on Ozploitation? If not, it's well worth a watch.
Rogue is so freaking good, it's ridic.
I would murder someone else (not really) for Next Of Kin on Netflix Instant. And Lake Mungo needs much more love than it gets.
There's also the telekinetic-murderer film Patrick, and even though it's not strictly a horror film, Wake In Fright is pretty disturbing too.
Have you seen the movie Primal? I believe it's Aussie and takes place in what appears to be jungle like terrain. Starts out pretty typical, group of friends camping for the weekend, but the story is unique, the death gory and satisfying, and our final girl has a strong finish.
I have not seen Primal! But you've made me add it to my list of things I need to see.
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