Hi! Here I am, after 6++++ months of...I won't bother with the deets, but let's just say it's been 6++++ months of moving, living in a heck hole, moving, and moving again sprinkled with generous...err, sprinkles of horror movie apathy, writer's block, existential crises, pizza, and more. But none of that matters right now! What matters is that I am
settled after months and months, I have internet in my home, and I actually feel like watching horror movies and getting the ol' FG back to what it was 4 years ago: fun for me to do. Horror used to be fun, and then for a multitude of reasons it wasn't, but I think it's getting back to that place. It is cause for rejoicement, so I made this!

So yes. I kind of hate "I'm back" posts, but, you know. I'm back.
Have you seen this Trail-Or for Argento's
Dracula 3D yet? Watch now watch now watch now!
WHAT IS THAT. WHAT IS IT? This guy made
Suspiria? How? But you know, I don't care. I want to see this big pile of hot 3D mess so bad! Hissing, topless vampires! Vampires going "rarrr!"! A giant praying mantis! Asia Argento! A vampire death scene rivaled only by that of Paul Reubens in
Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Again: A GIANT PRAYING MANTIS!
Dracula 3D comes along right when I'm feeling all ready to jump back into horror's lovin' arms and nuzzle her matronly bosoms. Oh Argento, we couldn't have timed this better if we tried!
i think i'd almost rather a new GAR zombie film (and i enjoyed Mother of Tears).
Good to see you back! Any chance of a new film club, perhaps something in the holiday/horror spirit?
OH. MY. GOD. Showgirls may have a new rival for best/worst movie!
Definitely gonna bring back Film Club! Might wait til after Christmas, though, just because people be crazy now.
Welcome Back!
Ugh...I hate "welcome back" comments. ;)
I think PHANTOM OF THE OPERA may now have competition as the cheapest, shittiest Argento movie ever.
I had to laugh my ass off when Dracula punches that guys head off.
visual effects work in progress
Glad that you are back Stacie! We missed you so. Well I did anyway...a little bit at least.
The “Visual Effects Work In Progress” blurb explains the crappy effects, so why isn't there an “Actor’s Performance Work In Progress” disclaimer?
Yes, I want to see it too and yes I'd would like to have sex with Asia Argento too.
I hope the "visual effects work in progress" subtitle stays in the finished film. Oh, Dario, DON'T CHANGE A THING!
Glad your back!
Just started reading you this Halloween (followed a link from Kotaku, of all places), so this works out pretty well for me! Been enjoying your archives a lot, but it's great to hear you'll be adding new content.
This was posted on my birthday. What better birthday present than an "I'm back" post, complete with a blinged-out briefcase woman and her army of purposeful marching kittens?
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