FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Nov 3, 2010

Oh my yes, another new thing.

A new blog to follow! A crowdfunding campaign! My very own slasher movie! At the risk of sounding like the Kool Aid Man, I have to say: ooooohhhhh yeeeaaaaaah!

The short of it: I'm going to make a feature-length slasher film called Diet! Diet! My Darling!, and just last night I launched a website for the film and a fundraising page as well. Those two pages should tell you everything there is to tell at this point, really...unless, I don't know, you've got a question or something. I'm super excited about all this.

The Diet! Diet! website is practically naked, but it will eventually be swimming in the most luxurious posts imaginable*- it'll be updated frequently with cast announcements, art work, whatever whatever whatever. I'm sure I'll be linking here, but clicking the "follow" button over there takes almost zero effort, so what are you waiting for ya bum?

So, yes. Please spread the word about it! If you've ever liked Final Girl even a little bit, then...I don't know. The Final Girl Seven should become some sort of cyber-street team...maybe we should get t-shirts!

Anyway. New thing. YEAH!

*may be an exaggeration


Somnicide said...

You had me at naked.

Chadzilla said...

I have made my contribution to the arts.

Hhhhh said...

I was instantly reminded of this:

Stacie Ponder said...

Thanks, guys! And big thanks to you, Chad.

John, I'm not sure I get it (besides...gory weight loss?), but okay! :D

Banned In Queensland said...

I reckon those girls from The Scare-ening are going to totally bag you out for spruiking a movie that doesn’t exist yet. :P

Stacie Ponder said...

What's "spruiking"? I know you're kidding (at least that's what the emoticon indicates to me), but here's the difference- I started a website and a fundraising page so I can make this film. The script, however, has been sitting around for ages. I've had meetings about it with actors, agents, producers, etc etc. I've put together budgets and all that sort of thing...and THIS is the first I'm mentioning it because now it can be officially considered to be in pre-production.

I didn't post a poster for it or send out a press release for it 2 years ago after having breakfast with an actor who wants to be in it, you know? That's what people do, constantly, putting the word out way too early- and that's what we rag on at The Scare-ening.

Sorry if I sound defensive, but I want to make it clear that I'm not being the very thing I mock.

Banned In Queensland said...

I was just teasing. I love your blog and I love following what you're up to. I was just amused by the apparent irony of you announcing a movie "you're going to make" given the frequent and passionate denouncement of similar practices on The Scare-ening.

I understand the difference, and I didn't mean to offend. :(

BTW "Spruiking" = "Pimping".

Stacie Ponder said...

Why, I've never heard that term before! Hooray, vocabulary.

Oh, I'm not offended or anything, and I knew you were kidding- I just figured I'd take the opportunity to say something because it IS something that's crossed my mind, and something I've joked about. Some people I know would be doing fucking red carpets and press for it already! I just am very aware of how easy it is out here to slip into douchiness, and it's never what I want to do or how I want to come across. :)

Chadzilla said...

Don't go Ari Gold on us, FG. Always be the E, let someone else be Johnny Drama and let no on be Turtle!

Vicki said...

I can't wait to see the wee little death implements! Contribution rendered.

Vicki said...

BTW - I miss the Scare-ening, with their bagging on the spruiking...

James said...

You probably haven't heard of 'spruiking' as it's an Australian slang term.

Good luck with the project. I'm looking forward to seeing fashion dolls get hacked and slashed. :)