Exhibit A
Exhibit B, a couple of hours later.
Yeah, I'm calling this shit out. I can't be bothered to scroll his archives to find out if there's more. Should I be flattered? Fuck that. This site isn't changing the world or anything, but I work really fucking hard at it. I spend an awful lot of time thinking of what to write, jokes to make, blah blah fucking blah, purely because I want to. If you can't think of anything original to say and you start cutting and pasting my words, then fuck off and don't come back. And really, don't link to me.
Look over to my sidebar on the right, and scroll all the way down to the bottom. See where it says don't steal my shit? Well, I put that there because you shouldn't steal my shit. Click that little button and see what it says.
A pox AND fire-farting cockroaches upon his house!

UPDATE (ooh, saying that makes me feel so Unsolved Mysteries)- apparently the offending blog has winked out of existence. An odd resolution, but a resolution nonetheless. I'm not going to delete this post, however, for reasons that are twofold:
- This way, my expletive-riddled feelings regarding stealing are on record.
- I haven't talked about fire-farting cockroaches in quite some time, and I'd like it if they got a little attention.
Boy, speaking French makes me feel so cultured. What a day of feelings!
Eww, is it possible he meant to cite you for that? He lists your blog as one of his "friends"! What a friggin jagoff.
Sorry, lady.
wow, that is beyond lame...and makes me sad that someone would do that to you. It doesn't look like it was the first time, either.
That sucks! Have you let the perp know that you know that he stole your shit? I didn't see any comment from you on that post.
Hilariously, or not, I posted my own blog under the title "Really?" earlier today, and totally thought you were talking about me in this one ...and I was all like, "huh? I'm no plagiarist!! wtf?" But I posted it earlier and it has nothing to do with anything you've posted about, and my blog has about six readers, not the multitudes that yours does, soooo... I had a bit of a grandeur complex for a second there.
Heh. also, I read 'exhibit a' and 'exhibit b' and yeah, that guy totally ripped you off. Poop on him.
Ooh look at that! "Don't steal my shit" right down the bottom right hand side.
Maybe he didn't see that.
Maybe he saw it but didn't realise that it meant don't steal your shit.
Maybe he thought your post wasn't "shit" and reasoned it was therefore OK to steal it.
Or maybe, just maybe, he's a pathetic, witless plagiarist.
WOW what a farce. I could think of a hundred other lame things to say without copying. You only get points for things that weren't already used. What's the name of that game?
Sigh. Joke-stealing is the sadness.
I just left a comment over there. I posted here first. It's so irritating, especially from someone who, as Erin pointed out, "likes" my site.
J Astro, our twin titles are total kismet!
whoa, -you- *sigh* too? -I- sometimes *sigh* as well!!! it's like you're TOTALLY draining my brain-waves!!
ha. ;)
Wait a minute! I also wrote a blog on Jan. 10th where I mentioned the effects that morning's strong coffee was having on me...and it was posted over an hour before yours! If I only had made a Twitter reference, I could've owned Final Girl, OWNED IT!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!
Well, yeah, you would've...if I'd stolen sentences from your post. It's not the subject matter- people write about the same stuff all the time.
It's, you know, copying my exact words that is fucking lame. Write about coffee and Twitter 'til your heart's content, just don't steal.
If it's any consolation (and it probably isn't) you make all the work you put into this seem effortless. 9 out of my 10 multiple personalities agree: Final Girl RULEZ!
Plagiarizing a site right next to a prominent link to said site seems like a poorly thought out plan -- like investing your money in the same bank that you robbed it from.
Now give him your best "Bish, please!" face!
I'm the one on the left, btw.
Wow, that really sucks the ball, huh? You know what's really weird, though? It's that the dude copied and pasted it verbatim, but somehow it's still actually funnier on your site. How'd you manage that one? Ah, perhaps it's the all caps on the 'bugs' line. Regardless - kudos to being preemptively awesomer than that mega-douche will ever be.
Oh, and thanks for having such a rock-ass site.
The same thing happened to me recently, except the person ripped off the entire first 5 posts of my blog. What sucks is that Google/Blogger won't do anything about it even if you flag the person's blog.
I went through the older posts on that other site and he's also posted your doctored photos of Charles Nelson Reilly and Jason Voorhees floundering in the lake with your balloon quotes and "retarded" printing.
Stacie not only being stolen, but from a blog that openly plugs a TV station that the blogger works for?
Email the station, Stacie. Turn them in! Get yourself on Las Vegas NBC television! Maybe get a free trip out of it.
Although it could be worse. There are some blogs out there that just swipe entire posts and repost them on their own blog, claiming the post as their own. This guy reworked it a bit.
It will be interesting to see if they respond and own up to it and apologize.
I suppose you could construe it as some form of compliment on your writing abilities. Not that it in any way condones the plagiarism, but it's always nice to be appreciated.
Stealing is bullshit any way you slice it, but it's even more repulsive in this instance because this guy, according to his blog, works for a major television network. Hopefully someday people will realize self-expression is the point of art, not sounding clever on a blog, and learn to enjoy their own thoughts instead of stealing others. We're not all part of the collective yet (thank God).
Final Girl - sorry this happened to you. I hope it gets resolved and that this incident warns other would-be-stealers away. This incident could be like a scarecrow in the yard of your blog to frighten away unoriginal people.
The reason I keep coming back?
"You are so cool, Brewster!" (If I quoted that right).
Didn't you know that hating was a profession? I heard rumors that they would have a union if they could stop stabbing each other in the back...
I would love to see 'Mr. News 3 HD' apologize to you Stacie. I went over to 'From the Webmaster' to see what all the hubbub was about. But I refuse to spend any more time reading his mindless crap-ola!
Well, I might go back and leave something in his comment section now that I think about it...
Wow. That's...lame. You know, all he had to do was write something like "In the words of Final Girl's Stacie Ponder..." or "Stacie Ponder said it best when she wrote..." or "with apologies to Stacie Fucking Ponder". A link to your site would have also been good form. On the other hand, he might have some kind of psychic link with you and doesn't realize that he is transcribing your thoughts - sort of like The Eyes of Laura Mars for the blogging set. Hey, I'd pay to see a movie like that. When it comes out on DVD. As a rental. But not as a New Release. I can wait.
Er... I'm late to this, but nothing irks me more than content thieves.
People may come back with "settle down, you're just talking about bugs on your face!"... uh, NO, never settle down. F*ck the scoffers, there is hard work that go into blogs (especially when you work during the day as most of us do) and for people to disrespect that is as rotten as somebody cutting and pasting a Charles Dickens novel as their own.
P.S. I love that he links to you on his sidebar. Did he want to get caught!?
P.P.S. And, Stacie, you ARE the Charles Dickens of bloggers, to me.
Maybe one of your other personalities wrote it and you're completely insane. I suspect "Stacie" is just one of the many fragmented bits of Steve Kanaly's broken mind. Now they're starting to bleed over and cross paths, soon a killing spree of some sort. OR, that guy ripped you off.
Maybe this'll make you feel better: I gave you a reward! Or, I mean, award.
And apparently there is more to the Dardos (regarding their history and legitimacy) than I knew when I wrote the post. Such as this:
"The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the web.
The rules are: 1)Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog. 2) Pass the award to another 5 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know that they have been selected for this award."
I don't know who wrote that, but apparently it's actually a thing.
Holy crap! That plagiarist's site just disappeared while I was looking at it!!! What a dumbass.... you go, FG!
Looks like webmaster-c is no more....
That entire blog has been deleted by the blogmaster.
"The Blogmaster" sounds like a flick Full Moon would have released in the 90s.
What a d-bag. I'm glad you called him out on his shenanigans. There can be only one...er...Final Girl!! I suppose that's a bit redundant.
Either way, looks like you win Stacie. His blog doesn't seem to be there anymore.
Well, well... looks like his blog has been "removed".
Too bad he couldn't own up to it and apologize, if not on his blog, then on yours.
Wow. I really appreciate all the support, y'all! Thanks. Surely he MUST have had some original thoughts on his site, though...? Seems like a weird way to resolve it.
I don't know exactly what happened because I'm a latecomer to this, but I clicked the Exhibit B link and according to Blogger, that
$h!t has been ripped down.
So hooray for you and boo to the asshat who tried to steal your work! :)
My suspicion: this happens more than we think. There are writing students stealing shit from bloggers daily and then turning in our stuff for grades and accolades (or not.) Imagine if someone stole one of my essays or poems then turned it in and got a C from a prof? (I go no lower than a C, seriously, even for one of my shitty first drafts.)
Anyway, my friend Chelsea was ripped off by other bloggers a few times. Jesus.
T.S. Elliot once said good writers borrow, great writers steal, but I'm not sure this sort of disrespect for one another's artistic integrity, not to mention, effort, is what he meant.
Doesn't surprise me that the person is in charge (or maybe not) of a regional news channel. I worked for local news briefly and it was a vacuum of creative bankruptcy.
The talent indulged in rip 'n read (taking the story off the front page of the local daily and essentially just regurgitating it), probably rationalizing that it was news, not intellectual property.
Or maybe not even rationalizing... local talking heads are a pretty dense lot. Doesn't surprise me that their larceny would spread to the internet for material to mold into their own.
So sorry to hear about that -- wish I could have seen Exhibit B, but it was already gone....
Love your blog! You are so witty and informative! I read it everyday!!! Also, thank you for pointng me to the horror blog on AMC. A huge fan!
This'll show my age but, years ago I went to a press preview of Tremors and sat next to a guy from a local newspaper. Afterwards, he asked me what I thought about it,so I told him in some detail. When I read the review in the paper later in the week, it was verbatim what I'd said about the movie (which I enjoyed). No pay check for me from that one :( News/press people seem to have very little creativity of their own.
BTW - Long time reader, first time poster. Love the site, so don't let the bastards get you down ;)
Not very nice.... though at least there's a motive to it (ie. decent copy for nothing). Glad they've buggered off.
How about this then? Yesterday someone copied and pasted a paragraph from my review of 28 Weeks Later and then anonymously posted it as a comment to the same review !? Quite WTF that was all about I've no idea...
You may find this of some use stalking the plagarists:
~ Ciao
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