Oct 2, 2009

awesome movie poster friday - the HALLOWEEN edition!

I can't believe it's taken me so long to give a shout out to Halloween I-III. No remakes need apply!


  1. What's up with the ALL NEW proclamations on the Halloween II movie posters?

  2. I dig the French version from the first movie. It "pops" a bit more than the American version.

    And call me crazy (I know), but I'm kinda in the mood to see Halloween III now.

  3. Thanks for posting. I love looking at foreign posters! There's a really strange czech poster for Halloween that you should check out.

  4. Oh man...some of those are brilliant...but a couple are...how shall we put it nicely? Atrocious. :)

  5. Can someone please explain to me why the Japanese always win at movie posters?

    Except for the French H3 poster. I would have totally preferred 'Blood of the Sorcerer' to 'Season of the Witch'

  6. Michael looks like a deranged Homer Simpson in that Japanese one. Yikes! The second one is my favorite. Uber-creepy!

  7. Yay, Final Girl. I love Awesome Movie Poster Fridays! is it a law that the Japanese posters must always overflow with teh awesomeness?


  8. I was always so disturbed by the Halloween III poster with the kids in silhouette trick-or-treating. I just got a Children of the Corn poster with a similar shadow-on-red background look and I just find it so oddly haunting.

  9. "Remakes need not apply." Why not? I admit I hated--HATED--Zombie's remake when it came out, but I've come around to appreciating what he did with his two-part series. In the least, it was the ballsiest (sp?) of the slasher remakes.

    RATSAWGOD - The "All New" proclaimations were fairly common on sequel posters and trailers at that time (see Jaws 2 and 3-D or Escape from the Planet of the Apes) but it's really funny here since its the same cast, the same writers, the same producers, recreating the same scenario on the same damn night as the original.

    And I really dig the Halloween II poster with the big cloudy skyline. Very atmospheric.

  10. Yeah, that HALLOWEEN III poster creeped me out as well when I was young. It still does, actually.

  11. "'Remakes need not apply.' Why not?"

    That was really my cheeky way of indicating that they wouldn't be included in this edition, although I should have mentioned the rest of the sequels as well.

    In a sense I, too, admire Zombie for doing his own thing with the remakes- I mean, why not? It's just that I really, REALLY disliked the first one, to put it mildly...I really hated it so much that I couldn't bear the thought of sitting through #2.

  12. Damn, I haven't seen any of those. Its amazing how different cultures have totally different posters. making him out to be a demon. Anyways good post.
    Two Voices | Two Guys


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