Aug 26, 2008


Dudes, Stuff on VHS Week will begin momentarily! Thanks to all who voted. I was hoping that VHS would come in first...and since hope is a wish your heart makes (or something like that), my heart was psyched to discover it won by 3 votes! Whilst I work on the inaugural post, here are a couple of things to tide you over:

- It's possible that I need to link to my AMC columns in a more timely fashion. However, you can go back in time and read last week's column by clicking this link! Such is the magical power of The Internet. It's kinda sorta about stuff that shouldn't be scary, but is- unexpected horrors and the such. You know, like Pee Wee's Big Adventure. What innocuous movie do you find frightening? Don't say Showgirls, because Showgirls is effing awesome...although I'll admit, the violent hot tub humping is rather scary.

- Recently I conducted a brief phone interview with Shawnee Smith, she of the Saw franchise, she of Summer School (I inexplicably love that movie), she of the music duo Smith & Pyle.

- Over at Shock Till You Drop, there's a big fat report from the set of The Descent 2. I didn't read it because I intend to remain blissfully ignorant, but I figured I'd pass it along. That's just how I am.

- For reasons unknown, I've been thinking a lot about the movie Pieces lately. I suppose I should just watch it again to get it out of my system. Here's a...well, I don't think it's a trailer, exactly. Featured amongst the clips, however, is the skateboarding into a big mirror sequence. It's radness.


  1. Well, even though I'm not alone in finding it scary...

    "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".

    However, some of my ire is because of how Violet and her father get along, which is really not that great. Cripes, I'd be mad at my dad too if he was trying to promote himself all the time...especially when something good happened to me.

    And "The Wiz". I don't think the stage version is that scary...

  2. Ummm, Stacie, you are ALWAYS thinking about "Pieces."

    My vote for Innocuous Frightening Movie is "A Guy Thing." Such a good cast, such a steaming pile...

  3. And in other news, "Dark Night of the Scarecrow" is coming to DVD ... and Blu-Ray!

  4. Wow, that lady took at least three hits to the head with the axe before going down. That kid needs to work on his upper body strength to become an effective serial killer.

  5. I'm such a geek...I'm sitting here behind my laptop all excited cuz my choice sad.

  6. I like Shawnee Smith (I actually do, for some bizarre reason) but nonetheless: every time I hear, see, or read something about her, I can't help but think along the lines of hey, it's that girl from the Blob remake.

    I really have no clue as to where I intended to go with this staggeringly absurd revelation, but I did get a kick out of the clip from Pieces, which is a film that I had forgotten about entirely.

  7. The ONLY reason I resisted my first impulse to vote for Stuff On VHS is because the last several 80s VHS tapes I acquired were not viewable. What a let down THAT is, all sad, eating popcorn in the dark with nothing to watch :( I actually listened to the audio for without any picture. But I suppose all the better to let you watch them for me and tell me about them, my dear...(that was in my best Big Bad Wolf voice).

    I actually use TiVo with my cable instead of the DVR that is available with the cable package because I've been using it forever and have never ever had a problem.


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