Jun 8, 2006


Courtesy of Theeeee Onion:
It's good to know that someone has a zombie's health and best interests at heart.


  1. For all those zombies that skipped health class in high school like us living kids...

  2. They forgot the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise like zombie speed walking after meatbag humans.

  3. That is potentially one of the greatest things I've ever seen

  4. It looks to me as though the creators of the "zombie food pyramid" have been influenced by the shills at the American Brain Council.

    All recent imperical data clearly shows that 2-5 daily servings of brains, balanced by an additional serving of the liver group provides more than adequate sustenance for a zombie of average body type, without the added health effects of the additional grey matter ingested in the pyramid presented here.

    (this message brought to you by the American Council on Zombie Health)


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